As the host's connection has an impact on the game, during tournament matches, the game host is to be changed after every game unless all players participating in the match agree to keep playing with the same host. During seasonal escort or domination games, the host is to be changed every three games, unless all players agree to keep playing under the same host, and that all players can successfully connect to a different host.
What host controls and can affect:
The contract system is host-dependent.
Kills and stuns registering are host-dependent.
Civilians are controlled by the host's system.
Game time, rounds etc. are triggered by the host's system.
What host does not control and cannot affect:
The connection between two players, including abilities, player locations etc.
How host spawn differs:
Unlike non-host players, the host player's spawn does not depend on where the host's pursuers are. This can lead to the host spawning next to a pursuer or VIP.
As such, the host player's spawn is only dependent on where the host died and where the host's teammates are.
Last updated